Ayurvedic Uses & Benefits Of Camphor

"Kapur" refers to the crystal-like white chemical known as Camphor, which has a strong, pungent scent and flavour and is generally synonymous with Kapoor for pooja. Wood from the camphor plant is used to make it (Cinnamomum camphora). Many people employ Camphor for its healing properties as well as in their spiritual rituals.


Camphor: Ayurvedic Uses and Benefits

Chandrabhasma is another name for natural Camphor in the old Ayurvedic science (moon powder). BhimseniKarpur is one of the greatest options available for medicinal reasons, according to the Ayurvedic classic, "Raj Nighantu," which lists 14 distinct Karpura (Kapur) varieties. Laghu (light), sheet virya (cooling), ruksha (drying), bitter, spicy and sweet in flavour. It helps to balance the Pitta and Kapha Doshas. Despite its cooling properties, Camphor can regulate Kapha Dosha, decrease fat, and alleviate Vata-induced aches and pains. It has a calming impact on the body and aids with inflammation management. 


Does Camphor work?


  • Cough

In Ayurveda, the term "Kas Roga" refers to the common cold caused by a lack of digestion. Edible Camphor may help reduce Ama and evacuate mucus from the lungs, despite its chilly properties, owing to poor nutrition and insufficient waste disposal. Ama is poisonous waste that accumulates in the body due to faulty digestion.


  • Indigestion

Administering edible Camphor may help alleviate the symptoms of gastroenteritis since it has both Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) characteristics. Overdosing on Camphor may induce indigestion, nausea, and vomiting. Thus, it's best to take it in tiny doses.


  • Overweight

Ayurveda holds that poor eating habits and an unhealthy way of living are important contributors to obesity. As a result, the digestive fire is weakened, Ama builds up, and Meda dhatu becomes unbalanced, all contributing to weight gain. As a result of its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) qualities in edible Camphor, the digestive secretions are improved, and harmful residues are reduced. In addition to its fat-burning properties, edible Camphor's Lekhana (scraping) function makes it useful for weight loss. You can buy Pure Camphor Online. 



Camphor has a calming effect on the skin and may be used to treat minor wounds. This product's cooling and soothing properties help it reduce skin breakouts and rashes when administered topically. Acne and scars may be efficiently treated with the use of coconut oil or olive oil.

SOURCE URL: https://camveda.weebly.com/blog/ayurvedic-uses-benefits-of-camphor


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