Ayurvedic Uses & Benefits Of Camphor
"Kapur" refers to the crystal-like white chemical known as Camphor, which has a strong, pungent scent and flavour and is generally synonymous with Kapoor for pooja . Wood from the camphor plant is used to make it (Cinnamomum camphora). Many people employ Camphor for its healing properties as well as in their spiritual rituals. Camphor: Ayurvedic Uses and Benefits Chandrabhasma is another name for natural Camphor in the old Ayurvedic science (moon powder). BhimseniKarpur is one of the greatest options available for medicinal reasons, according to the Ayurvedic classic, "Raj Nighantu," which lists 14 distinct Karpura (Kapur) varieties. Laghu (light), sheet virya (cooling), ruksha (drying), bitter, spicy and sweet in flavour. It helps to balance the Pitta and Kapha Doshas. Despite its cooling properties, Camphor can regulate Kapha Dosha, decrease fat, and alleviate Vata-induced aches and pains. It has a calming impact on the body and aids with inflammation m...